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Site cannot be reached chrome mac

Be patient.ġ3 - Hold down the option key and select "Go" from the top menu bar. Be patient.Ħ - When it is done, click "Quit" and reboot your computer.Ĩ - Holding down the shift key, hit the power button.ĩ - The system will do a safe boot. You will be asked to reboot a few times and then run Onyx again.Ĥ - First click on "Rebuild" and then "execute."ĥ - Next click on "Permissions" and "execute." This will take a while. Not sure of your operating system? Click on the Apple in the upper left corner of your screen and select "About this Mac."ġ - Run it and go through the first two scans.Ģ - Run cleaning of the system, user, Internet, and fonts. 10.6 is Snow Leopard, 10.7 is Lion, 10.8 is Mountain Lion, 10.9 is Mavericks.

site cannot be reached chrome mac site cannot be reached chrome mac

Download the version of Oynx for your operating system.

Site cannot be reached chrome mac